Monday, January 28, 2008

1,000,000m challenge

A rowing club member is having a crack at quite the feat of indoor rowing endeavour, all in the name of charity - namely the Ataxia UK charity.

The message from Niall inviting support read...

Hi All,

As some will know, I recently started a challenge to row a million metres (on an ergo) in 100 days or less. I did a similar challenge a couple of years ago and managed to complete the million metres in 114 days (averaging 8.7Km per day) so decided this year I would up the ante and complete it in an average of 10K or more per day. I started the challenge on January 11th and so far have completed 188,000m
(averaging 13.7Km per day). This has been as a result of a mix of 10K, 12K and 3x6K (90secs rest) sessions. Blisters on my hands and heels are my main concern and if I have to put any more strapping on I'm going to start looking like an Egyptian mummy!!

I am doing the challenge for the Ataxia UK charity as one of my rowing friends has the Friedreich's Ataxia condition and has been wheelchair-bound since her teens. Despite her condition she lives a full life competing nationally and internationally at Indoor Rowing events and also enjoys horse riding. If you would like to sponsor me
then please go to my JustGiving page:

If I haven't bored you silly and you've got this far in my note,
then thank you for your time and I look forward to your support.

Many thanks,

I really wish him all the best with his efforts, the blisters sound pretty nasty.

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