Despite the mis-adventures of Christmas eating (or over-eating), well actually it was new years over-eating, but anyway it was festive over-eating that led me to gain 3.5 pounds roughly. I am not at all troubled by that kind of gain, as it could have been worse and I have done little - okay, no - training over the same two week festive holiday. Getting back to work and training should sort that out and hopefully get me somewhere within shouting distance of my lose a stone by February target :o)
The training boost came from an outing in the eight this morning, it went pretty well, rocking to both sides rather than down on one side consistently... my well rested frame felt like it would do what my brain was asking it to through the stroke. Mentally at least I got to tinker with my action with some small successes, notably balance wise, with occasional squaring early success thrown in, yipee.
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