Saturday, February 11, 2006

Cardiff Love Run - first race of the year

Saturday at eleven after having rowed for two hours and having jogged to the start line I set off for my first run of the year... sadly literally... I hoped that all the rowing training would be favourable cross-training.....

...and so it proved to be, I competed in relative comfort (with no watch for pacing) in around 59 min, I am waiting for the official time to appear on the Runners World website as the event was using chip timing.

I am absolutely happy with my performance, it was a lovely day for a run on a really nice flat route, the lack of water at the finish was a problem, but the organisation was a definite improvement on last year. All in all a great first race of 2006... it has left me with the idea of doing 10x 10k runs this year instead of training for the marathon. I feel that 10k training may fit better with all of the other demands on my time. I will think on it as it would change my outlook for the year and would mean a tweaking of my blog premise ;o)

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